All ExpoCifra sections

Big Data, analytics, cloud solutions
Smart city
Equipment, solutions and services for telecommunications
Smart Manufacturing and Automation
Electronic transport and navigation systems
Consumer and office electronics for b2b
Medical electronics and telemedicine-HealthTech
Fintech and e-commerce
Innovation centres

Big Data, analytics, cloud solutions

  • Systems for collecting, storing, processing, analyzing, modeling and visualizing data sets
  • Hardware and software systems
  • Cybersecurity, cybersecurity technologies and solutions for data and infrastructure
  • Solutions for providing trusted computing, trusted platforms
  • Tools for organizing distributed computing
  • Data center equipment, solutions, services
  • Computer network equipment
  • Comprehensive high-tech solutions
  • Cloud services and solutions
  • Power supply, ventilation and air conditioning systems
  • Quantum computer components
  • Quantum cryptography systems and components
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Geographic information systems
  • Other

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Smart city

  • Infrastructure technologies for a smart city
  • Smart city lightning
  • Smart parking and transport stops
  • Smart public stops
  • Technologies and solutions for city planning, modelling
  • Contactless retail
  • Smart roads
  • Robotics delivery
  • Driveress cars
  • E-government
  • Digital city twins
  • LED based systems for various applications
  • Other

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Equipment, solutions and services for telecommunications

  • Telecommunication technologies

  • Networks and network infrastructure,base stations

  • Network technologies

  • Wireless network, technologies, equipment and solutions for the Internet of Things

  • Data Centres

  • Intelligent Connectivity (5G, 6G, IoT, AI)

  • Biling, BSS/OSS solutions

  • Internet providers

  • Quantum communications, technologies and solutions

  • Communication cables, line-cable equipment, optical fiber

  • Equipment for placement of radio-electronic communications

  • Power supply, ventilation and air conditioning systems

  • Measuring technology for telecommunications

  • Containers, cabinets, cases for storing equipment

  • Telecommunication systems, blocks, modules and antennas

  • Tools and solutions for protecting information in telecommunication networks

  • Radar systems and their components

  • Solutions for digitalization

  • Virtual ATS, IP

  • Other

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Smart Manufacturing and Automation

  • Automated and remote production control systems
  • Solutions and components for automation and digitalization of production
  • Automation and virtualization of workplaces, smart and hybrid workplaces
  • Automated business process management systems
  • Technologies and practices of digital twins in industry and business
  • Virtual and augmented reality complexes
  • Programmable devices
  • Power and switching devices
  • Instrumentation for automation
  • Sensors and accessories
  • SCADA systems
  • Other

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Electronic transport and navigation systems

  • Autoelectronics of traditional, electric and special transport
  • Electric transport
  • Unmanned vehicles and telematics
  • Smart Road Infrastructure Solutions and components
  • Technologies and practices of digital twins in transport
  • Intelligent transport information systems
  • Internet of Things & AI in Transport Telematics
  • Avionics and GLONASS-based systems, GPS
  • Development and support of software for transport and navigation
  • Transport monitoring systems
  • Satellite navigation system equipment
  • Other

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  • System software
  • Firmware
  • Industrial software
  • Application software
  • Linguistic software
  • Office applications
  • Web and mobile development
  • Importsubstitution
  • Codding instruments
  • OS
  • Mobile applications
  • Web development
  • Software Development Tools
  • Digital platforms development
  • Other

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Consumer and office electronics for b2b

  • Computing electronics
  • Wearable smart electronics
  • Cell phones
  • AR/VR devices
  • Video-, audio- and photographic equipment
  • Smart home gadgets
  • Audio-video for home
  • Computer technology for office and production
  • Commercial electronics for different application
  • Phone and video conferencing systems
  • Office equipment
  • Professional audio-equipment
  • Professional video-equipment
  • Content creation and management systems
  • LCD/TFT/OLED displays
  • Other

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Medical electronics and telemedicine-HealthTech

  • Medical instrumentation
  • Digital medicine and telematics
  • Biomechanical electronic devices
  • Exoskeletons and electric prosthesis
  • Personal assistants
  • Development and support of software for telemedicine
  • Diagnostic equipment
  • Other

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Fintech and e-commerce

  • Electronic payment systems and identification of goods
  • Digital platforms
  • Cloud technologies for fintech
  • Mobile payment platforms
  • AI in fintech
  • API, blockchain technology
  • Servies for marketplaces
  • Other

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  • Training and advanced training of personnel, distance technologies in education
  • Research laboratories
  • Specialized universities and faculties
  • Additional and corporate training programs
  • Vocational Education, WorkSkills
  • Technologies for education
  • E-gaming
  • Online education
  • Smart classrooms solutions
  • Other

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Innovation centres

  • Accelerators and incubators
  • Digital development centers and digitalization offices
  • Research and development centers
  • Technology parks, science and technology parks
  • Digital Hubs
  • Other

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